Outland is temporarily unavailable in order to ^1. Please try again in ^2 minutes. Due to a problem at Outland, your account could not be created. Please try again later. The credit card number you entered has already been used by another account. Free trials are given on a per card basis, so this account is not eligible for free time. Outland prices have changed since the last time you looked at them. Check the Pricing Info window for more information. Currently, Outland only accepts Visa and MasterCard. Please use one of those cards, or contact Outland for more information. The credit information you entered could not be authorized by the bank. Contact Outland for assistance. The account number you entered could not be confirmed. Please check it again, or contact Outland for assistance. The expiration date you entered was not valid or not in the form MM/YY. Please reenter it. Outland cannot verify your credit information at this time. You may continue to use your account, but your credit will be checked again later. There was an error opening that service; the channel was already in use. You can't open that service because you don't have enough access privileges. Since you did not enter a valid password, your connection to the Outland network has been broken. You need to enter a valid password before you can do that. The account you specified couldn't be found in the list of active accounts. Make sure you enter the player's account name, not the screen name. Thank you. Your account has been successfully updated. Welcome to Outland! Your new account has been successfully created. The serial number you entered has already been used by another account. Your account already has a valid serial number. You cannot add a new one. Because the account is still inactivated, your connection to the Outland network has been broken. You must enter a credit card number and expiration date as well as a serial number. To activate your new account, we need your credit information for billing. Your account will receive five hours of free time (one free trial per credit card). The serial number you entered was invalid. Please reenter it, or contact Outland for assistance. The credit card information you entered could not be confirmed. Please check it again, or contact Outland for assistance. That account name already exists. Please choose another. Because the new account was not created, your connection to the Outland network has been broken. Your account needs to have a payment method associated with it before you can do that. You need to create a personal account before you can do that. Because the new Gateway software was not downloaded successfully, your connection to the Outland network has been broken. The download could not be completed because of a disk error. The connection couldn't be established. Either try again or check the communication settings. The connection appears to have gone dead. Try connecting again. There was an error opening the game application. Check that you have enough free memory available. Your computer is already running the game application. Quit the game application, disconnect from the network, and connect again. There is not enough space on your disk to download the requested file. The Outland Gateway application is out of date. Would you like to update it? Otherwise, you will have to disconnect. The Gateway is already updating another application. You cannot access this service until the update completes. The graphics software for this service is out of date. Would you like to update it? You don't have the necessary graphics software to access this service. Would you like to download it? Your description has been changed. Your screen name has been changed. Your password has been changed. Your old password was incorrect. The gateway software you are using is out of date. Contact Outland about getting a new version. There was an error connecting to a service you requested. Try again later. The passwords you gave were incorrect. Contact Outland if you need assistance. The account you specified couldn't be found in the list of active accounts.